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From the Atlantic Coast of Brazil to the Pacific Coast of Colombia - crossing the southamerican continent from east to west. After eight days on a boat going upstream the Amazon River this traverse leads to the heart of the world´s largest rain forest. (2).png

El Chocó




Sao Luís



The Amazon rain forest - probably one of the most fascinating places on earth. Thousands of superlatives could describe this unique ecosystem that captures about one third of the continent. 

Overflying a "green carpet" for several hours demonstrates the dimensions of that area, but also makes someone beware of the advanced deforestration of the lungs of the earth. Placed in the middle of dense forest, Manaus appears as a lost metropolis that has had its days many years ago. 

From the former capital of natural rubber boats take passengers about 1000miles upstream the Amazon River (rio solimoes)  until they reach the boarder triangle of Brasil, Peru and Colombia. For eight days you are invited to adopt the pace of nature.

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.

From the town of Leticia a four-day expedition leads deeper into the forest, shows spectacular wildlife and unknown cultures. A short flight to Cali, brings you to a completely different world. The rush of the "capital of salsa music" soon provokes the need of tranquility and remoteness. There could not be any better place for that than "El Chocó", the hardly accessible area on Colombias pacific coast.

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